Yesterday, Max Furek, respected rock journalist and author of several books, posted this great review of my memoir, Feather White, to the Sunbury Press Author's Group page on FB. Thank you so much, Max. Be sure to check out his awesome rock 'n roll book, Somebody Else's Dream, also available at Sunbury Press, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
"Maxim Furek
February 23 at 8:17 PM ·
Don't let the word "memoir" get in the way of Mickey Maguire's Feather White because this book offers so much more. With vestiges of Siddhartha, Catcher in the Rye, and The Prodigal Son, numerous themes unravel like layers of an onion.
At an early age, the author experienced the transformative magic of a log cabin. It became symbolic of the fantasy that he created in his mind and later, in Nova Scotia and his personal Shangri-La.
Maguire's escape from the emotional detachment of an alcoholic father is one obvious catalyst. But that part of the backstory is revealed as a simple fact. No drama, terror, horror. No trauma and excuses. No regret. And in the end, Dad comes across as a pretty nice guy with a career and hard work ethic, with his son using Dad's addiction as a catalyst to better things.
Maguire transports his readers through a time machine — a fantastic frenzy on the stormy Atlantic seas and Nova Scotia wilderness — sacred places reserved only for those few brave souls with the requisite wanderlust and courage.
While crafting his memoir, Maguire came prepared with a truckload of poetry, memories, and a journal to draw upon. Feather White is a gripping re-write of his detailed journal, blending a fantastic, white-knuckled adventure interspersed with profanity, adolescent debauchery, and stories worthy of Hemingway and Robert Service.
Read this book, yes, but first, strap yourself in and get ready for one hell of a ride! Bravo, Mickey Maguire.
Maxim W. Furek"
